Meta AI’s integration with WhatsApp has enhanced the messaging platform with a suite of AI features. Yet, some users may not be taking full advantage to maximize their experience. Start by ensuring the app is up-to-date and tapping on the Meta AI icon or mention @MetaAI within your chats.
Once you’re logged in, make the most of WhatsApp by using seven of my favorite Meta AI hacks. These tips are sure to increase productivity, help you become more creative in your messages, and overall make the app more enjoyable.
Instant information retrieval
Because Meta AI is connected to the web, you can use it to get real-time information such as news, weather, or an update on current events. Now, instead of logging out of the app, you can simply ask Meta, “What are the top 3 new stories of the day?” and you’ll get the answer accompanied by source links for further reading.
Unfortunately, Meta AI is unable to read the news to you, so you’ll have to scroll and read on your own.
Image generation and editing
Did you know Meta AI can generate images directly within your chat as well as analyze and edit photos? They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so go ahead and unleash your creativity by prompting Meta AI to generate images based on your descriptions. Then, add them to your chats to add emphasis or clarification to the discussion.
Language translation
Chatting with friends who may not speak your language is easier than ever with Meta AI’s translation capabilities. Input a phrase in your native language and ask Meta AI to translate it into your desired language.
Not only will it offer a translation in seconds, but the AI will also offer a breakdown and help you say what you need to say both casually or formally.
Creative writing assistance
Stuck trying to express yourself? Let Meta AI come to your rescue with a quick message, poem or even dive deeper with a full essay. All you need to do is provide a topic or theme and Meta AI will craft text to suit your needs.
This feature is great to lean on when you want to say something a certain way or with a specific tone. It is also perfect for brainstorming content ideas alone.
Interactive games
Let Meta AI challenge you with a brain teaser or guessing game by engaging in text-based, interactive games. Surprisingly entertaining, you can challenge the AI to a variety of games just by prompting it to play a game with you.
This is a great option to keep your mind active while you’re waiting for an appointment or need a quick break. I’ve even played Hangman with my kids using Meta AI.
Personalized recommendations
Whether you’re looking for a good book or the next thing to stream, go ahead and consult Meta AI. You can tweak the list by telling Meta AI your preferences. It isn’t perfect and may make a few mistakes.
For example, when Meta AI recommended shows to stream, it put Baby Reindeer under the Sci-Fi/Animation category — the Netflix show is neither animated nor sci-fi and actually based on a true story.
Group chat enhancement
In group discussions, mention @MetaAI to incorporate the assistant into your conversation. Meta AI can provide information, generate ideas and — my personal favorite — settle debates. It will interact directly with you like an extra member of the group chat.
So go ahead and leverage AI next time no one can agree on where to meet for a get together or where to go for lunch.
Final thoughts
Leveraging these Meta AI tips when using WhatsApp is a game-changer. The more you incorporate them into your daily use, the more natural it will feel to lean on AI for everything from crafting messages to gaming.
Just be sure to remember that AI isn’t perfect and can make occasional mistakes. Also, keep your app updated as Meta continues to add new and more useful features.