Simple Arduino Project Guards Electronics Against Inflammation
Hackaday has a project to help make 12VHPWR connections safer, and it could be applied to 3D printers and other devices that might get a bit too hot for their own good. All you need is an Arduino, three resistors, and three thermistors, along with a bit of time and the software from GitHub to be able to automatically shut off your device when a temperature of 100C is detected. You attach the thermistor to the pin and GND on your your 12VHPWR connector, or other wiring, if you are comfortable doing so. The Watchdog as a voltage divider and uses the Steinert algorithm to determine the temperature of your connector.
This is very much a work in progress; which some may claim applies to the 12VHPWR connector as well, so you may run into challenges setting everything up. It is rather simple to set up however, so there shouldn’t be that much risk to trying it out. That said, always be careful modifying your hardware especially with mods like the 12VHPWR Thermal Watchdog.