Is It Time To Try Porting Something Other Than Doom?

Is It Time To Try Porting Something Other Than Doom? Is It Time To Try Porting Something Other Than Doom?

Crysis On A Calculator Perhaps?

Doom has been ported to just about everything at this point, it’s playable as a PDF and has even been proposed as a Captcha replacement.  It has also been compiled to run on the hardware found on a $50 HDMI adapter, or on a pregnancy test so perhaps it is time to move on to another game.  This could prove a harder challenge as one of the reasons Doom is so portable is it’s design.  The game relies on a WAD file, which stands for Where’s All the Data, and was designed specifically with modders in mind.  It’s relatively easy to shove just about any reasonable modification into a WAD and still end up with a working game.

We certainly see a lot of modded games now, but those games don’t have the same design and it may prove significantly harder to shoehorn the code into a microwave and have it work properly.  Hackaday has some suggestions, elderly game engines such as Quake or Half-Life might be small enough to fit the bill though their suggestion to try with the original Crysis might be hard to pull off effectively. The comments on that page suggest Descent 3 which would be an amazing choice, but which ones would you like to see?


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